I have four gardenias in one of my beds. This is one of the first blooms this season. Look closely and you'll see a lot of other buds around it; I should have a burst of blooms within a week or so.
Pentas, Egyptian Star Cluster
Just love these. Butterflies do, too.
Mexican Oleander
Lovely, fragrant flowers.
Dutchman's Pipe Vine(
Aristolochia elegans)

This probably wins the prize for strangest bloom in my garden. It's about 6 inches wide. About 5-6 of these are blooming on my vine currently.
French Hydrangea 'Pink Elf'(
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Pia')

A new favorite. It's full size at 18" tall.
Lily of the Nile - white

First time I've had some blooms on these; they may be in too much shade. Doesn't really matter too much to me, though, as I love their foliage, too.
Finally coming up. These are perennials in my garden. I planted them last spring and wasn't sure how they'd winter, but it looks like they did fine. Also pictured: one of my favorites, dwarf Abelia
Yellow Buttercup(
Turnera ulmifolia)

Cute new addition to the garden this year.
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